Started CI_IGT_test #13607709 Started from command line by jenkins Running as SYSTEM Building remotely on shard-dg2-10 (WATCHDOG SHARD-DG2) in workspace /opt/jenkins/workspace/CI_IGT_test New run name is 'CI_DRM_15540/shard-dg2-10/0' [CI_IGT_test] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/ + set +x shard-dg2-10 6.12.0-rc3-CI_DRM_15540-g12e4970af1ec+ /opt/scripts/dut/ CI_DRM_15540 IGT_8077 Removing old binaries IGT_8077 downloaded Unpacking IGT_8077 IGT_DEVICE not set IGT_8077 Testing --test-list /opt/jenkins/workspace/CI_IGT_test/IGT_8077/shard-dg2-10/0/testlist.txt -1000 Results will be at /IGT_8077/shard-dg2-10/ SSH: Connecting from host [gfx-ci] SSH: Connecting with configuration [archive] ... SSH: Disconnecting configuration [archive] ... SSH: Transferred 14 file(s) Finished: SUCCESS Completed CI_IGT_test CI_DRM_15540/shard-dg2-10/0 : SUCCESS CI_IGT_test runtime 564 seconds Exit code: 0