83ab52d9180c drm-tip: 2024y-10m-02d-14h-39m-21s UTC integration manifest
55a90a928d97 drm-tip: 2024y-10m-02d-13h-33m-04s UTC integration manifest
f3d635e031fd accel/ivpu: Fix typos in ivpu_pm.c
bc18b7faf6cd accel/ivpu: Add tracing for IPC/PM/JOB
378b59c6c9ed accel/ivpu: Remove HWS_EXTRA_EVENTS from test modes
76881493aa6c accel/ivpu: Fix ivpu_jsm_dyndbg_control()
a28d06d22562 accel/ivpu: Increase MS info buffer size
9d1dffce7eee accel/ivpu: Use whole user and shave ranges for preemption buffers
c09203f56fb3 accel/ivpu: Do not fail on cmdq if failed to allocate preemption buffers
04fc56355b9b accel/ivpu: Remove invalid warnings
a7d4a4308a3c accel/ivpu: Refactor failure diagnostics during boot
56049fbcd994 accel/ivpu: Prevent recovery invocation during probe and resume
1079e0c2c5e2 accel/ivpu: Fix reset_engine debugfs file logic
15fab32ef6f2 accel/ivpu: Remove skip of clock own resource ack on Simics
30bc527b3312 accel/ivpu: Add test_mode bit to force turbo
8508d65e836f accel/ivpu: Make DB_ID and JOB_ID allocations incremental
114ac25d6efc accel/ivpu: Print JSM message result in case of error
726fa152d0ed accel/ivpu: Add auto selection logic for job scheduler
7a220b3a4821 accel/ivpu: Add one jiffy to bo_wait_ioctl timeout value
f5cb2a0d229a accel/ivpu: Allow reading dvfs_mode debugfs file
3fcc25748bd2 accel/ivpu: Remove 1-tile power up Simics workaround
e61ee05a2a1e accel/ivpu: Stop using hardcoded DRIVER_DATE
5dfe17ea1339 accel/ivpu: Add FW version debugfs entry
0d2cbd86d8a8 accel/ivpu: Turn on autosuspend on Simics
3825fb1a10bb accel/ivpu: Set 500 ns delay between power island TRICKLE and ENABLE
2dcb42694e8a accel/ivpu: Add FW state dump on TDR
3c9ce475d10e accel/ivpu: Add coredump support
b11938c71a2e accel/ivpu: Limit FW version string length
7966536b73cc accel/ivpu: Fix fw log printing
27879e6fc5d0 accel/ivpu: Refactor functions in ivpu_fw_log.c
e8739d1fdaa8 accel/ivpu: Reset fw log on cold boot
00667932a7f2 accel/ivpu: Rename ivpu_log_level to fw_log_level
1880abfe9965 accel/ivpu: Update VPU FW API headers